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Member:joonunPark [2021/12/29 18:12]
joonun created
Member:joonunPark [2021/12/29 18:12] (current)
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-===== Sungbean Jo =====+===== Joonun Park =====
 |**Graduated Student** \\ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering \\ Pusan National University \\ Busan, 609-735, Republic of Korea \\ \\ **Lab:** [[http://​nsslab.pusan.ac.kr/​|Networked Smart Systems Lab]] \\ **Tel:** +82-51-510-7443 | |**Graduated Student** \\ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering \\ Pusan National University \\ Busan, 609-735, Republic of Korea \\ \\ **Lab:** [[http://​nsslab.pusan.ac.kr/​|Networked Smart Systems Lab]] \\ **Tel:** +82-51-510-7443 |